I am a research scientist at EPFL in the Distributed Information Systems Laboratory. Before that, I did my PhD working on deep learning models for natural language processing with Ronan Collobert at the Idiap Research Institute.
The real hero of programming is the one who writes negative code.
Selected Publications
- Karoui Y., Lebret R., Foroutan N., Aberer K. Stop Pre-Training: Adapt Visual-Language Models to Unseen Languages. In ACL’23.
- Foroutan N., Banaei M., Lebret R., Bosselut A., Aberer K. Discovering Language-neutral Sub-Networks in Multilingual Language Models. In EMNLP’22.
- Liu F., Lebret R., Orel D., Sordet P., Aberer K. Upgrading the Newsroom: An Automated Image Selection System for News Articles. In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (Vol. 16).
- Harkous H., Fawaz K., Lebret R., Schaub F., Shin K. G., Aberer K. Polisis: Automated analysis and presentation of privacy policies using deep learning. In USENIX Security’18.
- Gupta A., Lebret R., Harkous H., Aberer K. Taxonomy Induction using Hypernym Subsequences. In CIKM’17.
- Lebret R., Grangier D., Auli M. Neural Text Generation from Structured Data with Application to the Biography Domain. In EMNLP’16.
- Lebret R., Iovleff S., Langrognet F., Biernacki C., Celeux G., Govaert G. Rmixmod: The R Package of the Model-Based Unsupervised, Supervised, and Semi-Supervised Classification Mixmod Library. In Journal of Statistical Software (Vol. 67).
- Lebret R., Pinheiro P. O., Collobert R. Phrase-based Image Captioning. In ICML’15.
- Lebret R., Collobert R. Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA. In EACL’14.
Contact details